Egg (3D Mapping) Tutorial by Robert (Red) Williams -- It is possible, with some attention to detail, to remain in complete control of the 3D mapping transformation even when using it in conjunction with the kaleidoscope or tiling transformations. The secret lies in creating a correctly scaled and oriented image using your usual techniques and then carefully completing a specific sequence of steps to map the image onto the surface of the egg. To demonstrate this, I took Faye Williams' "We Three Kings" and mapped it onto an egg. I chose it because it's a fairly complex, 3-layer image, two of which are tiled while the other is untransformed. The enclosed parameters are for a six-layer image. The bottom three are Faye's original image which was retained for comparison purposes. The first step is to "erect" all three layers of the original image so they will be aligned with the axis of the egg when they are mapped. This requires changing < Rotation angle: > to 30 for each of the three layers. Also, reduce the magnification to a value of 2 to avoid cropping the image - it can be adjusted later. Next, load the 3D mapping transformation (from the fs folder) into each layer. As you do so, click and drag it to the top, deactivate it and select the "egg" shape. Enter "2" in the "Z Translation" box and make sure the rest of the translation and rotation boxes are set to "0" (zero). Now, for each layer in turn, Copy the Center coordinates from the Location Tab and Paste them into the "Fractal Center" boxes on the Mapping Tab. Similarly, transfer the Magnification and Rotation Angle values from the Location Tab to the "Fractal Magnification" and "Fractal Rotation" boxes on the Mapping Tab. Now, for each layer in turn, on the Location Tab, set the Center coordinates to (0,0), the Magnification to "1" and the Rotation angle to "0" (zero). Finally, activate the 3D Mapping transformation on all three layers and if you've done everything exactly right, you will have a vertical egg, centered in your screen and with Faye's image mapped perfectly onto it. Now that you have done this, you can: Rotate the egg around its own axes using the X, Y, and Z rotation settings. Relocate the egg using the X and Y translation settings. Adjust the overall scale of the image using the Z translation setting (larger number - smaller image). Adjust the size of the fractal image relative to the size of the egg using the Fractal Magnification setting. Rotate the fractal image relative to the axis of the egg using the Fractal Rotation setting. I used these settings to approximate the angles of Faye's original image. If you reduce the Fractal Magnification settings to "1" on each layer, I think it makes a "nicer" egg although it isn't as faithful to Faye's original creation. As far as I can tell, this procedure works for any image once you have created it using your normal techniques. When using the kaleidoscope transformation, you must be careful to disable the "Use Screen Center" prior to selecting an off-center portion of the image, but once you have the desired image centered and vertically aligned, the rest of the process is just following the steps outlined above. If you want to preview the scale, simply load the 3D mapping transformation into any convenient image (the default works nicely). On the Location tab, set the center to (0,0), Rotation Angle to "0"and Magnification to "1". On the Mapping Tab, set the Z Translation to "2" and the remainder of the Translation and Rotation settings to "0" (zero). Activate the transformation to see the egg. Hope this helps - have fun. EggTutorial { ; Image entitled "We Three Kings" created by ; Faye Williams is used here by robert williams ;(no relation) to demonstrate the use of 3D ;Mapping transformations fractal: title="EggTutorial" width=480 height=540 author="robert williams" created="May, 1999" numlayers=6 layer: method=linear caption="Egg3" opacity=86 visible=yes alpha=no mergemode=subtraction mapping: center=0/0 magn=1 angle=0 numtransforms=2 transform: filename="fs.uxf" entry="fs-3d-map" p_shape="Egg" p_rotx=15 p_roty=-10 p_rotz=10 p_transx=0 p_transy=0 p_transz=2 p_fraccenter=-1.03702647929377398/-0.865990894114283686 p_fracmagn=2 p_fracangle=30 transform: filename="sg.uxf" entry="Hexagonal_tiling" p_mode="hexagonal tiling" p_tw=1 p_center=-0.995699697066326529/-0.918447624362244897 formula: filename="bwp.ufm" entry="bwp8" maxiter=100 percheck=normal p_InitValue=0/0 p_Exponent=1.2345/-1.2345 p_Bailout=4 inside: transfer=none repeat=yes outside: filename="lkm.ucl" entry="range-lite" transfer=linear repeat=yes p_rangecenter=1 p_rangewidth=0.1 p_colorby="last angle" gradient: smooth=yes numnodes=3 index=68 color=0 index=330 color=0 index=386 color=3579367 layer: method=linear caption="Egg2" opacity=86 visible=yes alpha=no mergemode=luminance mapping: center=0/0 magn=1 angle=0 numtransforms=2 transform: filename="fs.uxf" entry="fs-3d-map" p_shape="Egg" p_rotx=15 p_roty=-10 p_rotz=10 p_transx=0 p_transy=0 p_transz=2 p_fraccenter=-1.03702647929377398/-0.865990894114283686 p_fracmagn=2 p_fracangle=30 transform: filename="sg.uxf" entry="Hexagonal_tiling" p_mode="hexagonal tiling" p_tw=1 p_center=-0.995699697066326529/-0.918447624362244897 formula: filename="bwp.ufm" entry="bwp8" maxiter=100 percheck=normal p_InitValue=0/0 p_Exponent=1.2345/-1.2345 p_Bailout=4 inside: transfer=none repeat=yes outside: filename="lkm.ucl" entry="range-lite" transfer=linear repeat=yes p_rangecenter=1 p_rangewidth=0.1 p_colorby="last angle" gradient: smooth=yes numnodes=6 index=3 color=7429937 index=51 color=12973542 index=95 color=3555693 index=210 color=12632294 index=289 color=0 index=377 color=0 layer: method=linear caption="Egg1" opacity=86 visible=yes alpha=no mergemode=multiply mapping: center=0/0 magn=1 angle=0 numtransforms=2 transform: filename="fs.uxf" entry="fs-3d-map" p_shape="Egg" p_rotx=15 p_roty=-10 p_rotz=10 p_transx=0 p_transy=0 p_transz=2 p_fraccenter=-1.03702647929377398/-0.865990894114283686 p_fracmagn=2 p_fracangle=30 transform: filename="sg.uxf" entry="Hexagonal_tiling" enabled=no p_mode="hexagonal tiling" p_tw=1 p_center=-0.995699697066326529/-0.918447624362244897 formula: filename="bwp.ufm" entry="bwp8" maxiter=100 percheck=normal p_InitValue=0/0 p_Exponent=1.2345/-1.2345 p_Bailout=4 inside: transfer=none repeat=yes outside: filename="lkm.ucl" entry="range-lite" transfer=linear repeat=yes p_rangecenter=1 p_rangewidth=0.1 p_colorby="last angle" gradient: smooth=yes numnodes=6 index=3 color=7429937 index=51 color=12973542 index=95 color=3555693 index=210 color=12632294 index=289 color=0 index=377 color=0 layer: method=linear caption="New Layer 1" opacity=86 visible=no alpha=no mergemode=subtraction mapping: center=-1.03702647929377398/-0.865990894114283686 magn=3.08627623205628321 angle=319.140515240496038 numtransforms=1 transform: filename="sg.uxf" entry="Hexagonal_tiling" p_mode="hexagonal tiling" p_tw=1 p_center=-0.995699697066326529/-0.918447624362244897 formula: filename="bwp.ufm" entry="bwp8" maxiter=100 percheck=normal p_InitValue=0/0 p_Exponent=1.2345/-1.2345 p_Bailout=4 inside: transfer=none repeat=yes outside: filename="lkm.ucl" entry="range-lite" transfer=linear repeat=yes p_rangecenter=1 p_rangewidth=0.1 p_colorby="last angle" gradient: smooth=yes numnodes=3 index=68 color=0 index=330 color=0 index=386 color=3579367 layer: method=linear caption="Layer 2" opacity=86 visible=no alpha=no mergemode=luminance mapping: center=-1.03702647929377398/-0.865990894114283686 magn=3.08627623205628321 angle=319.140515240496038 numtransforms=1 transform: filename="sg.uxf" entry="Hexagonal_tiling" p_mode="hexagonal tiling" p_tw=1 p_center=-0.995699697066326529/-0.918447624362244897 formula: filename="bwp.ufm" entry="bwp8" maxiter=100 percheck=normal p_InitValue=0/0 p_Exponent=1.2345/-1.2345 p_Bailout=4 inside: transfer=none repeat=yes outside: filename="lkm.ucl" entry="range-lite" transfer=linear repeat=yes p_rangecenter=1 p_rangewidth=0.1 p_colorby="last angle" gradient: smooth=yes numnodes=6 index=3 color=7429937 index=51 color=12973542 index=95 color=3555693 index=210 color=12632294 index=289 color=0 index=377 color=0 layer: method=linear caption="Layer 1" opacity=86 visible=no alpha=no mergemode=multiply mapping: center=-1.03702647929377398/-0.865990894114283686 magn=3.08627623205628321 angle=319.140515240496038 numtransforms=1 transform: filename="sg.uxf" entry="Hexagonal_tiling" enabled=no p_mode="hexagonal tiling" p_tw=1 p_center=-0.995699697066326529/-0.918447624362244897 formula: filename="bwp.ufm" entry="bwp8" maxiter=100 percheck=normal p_InitValue=0/0 p_Exponent=1.2345/-1.2345 p_Bailout=4 inside: transfer=none repeat=yes outside: filename="lkm.ucl" entry="range-lite" transfer=linear repeat=yes p_rangecenter=1 p_rangewidth=0.1 p_colorby="last angle" gradient: smooth=yes numnodes=6 index=3 color=7429937 index=51 color=12973542 index=95 color=3555693 index=210 color=12632294 index=289 color=0 index=377 color=0 }